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After booking
Can I change or cancel my cruise?

All Hotwire Hot Rate cruise bookings are final and cannot be cancelled, refunded, exchanged, transferred, or changed, even for a fee. Once you make a booking on our site, your credit card will be charged for the total price shown — regardless of whether the cruise sailing is used. In order to make a booking on our site, you must agree to Hotwire's Terms of Use.

If you are worried about emergencies that will require you to change your plans, you may want to consider purchasing our StressFree™ Cruise Protection – a low-cost insurance program that provides trip cancellation/interruption coverage. StressFree™ Cruise Protection covers unexpected events such as medical emergencies, strikes, natural disasters and bad weather. StressFree™ Cruise Protection does not offer coverage for change of plans due to non-emergency situations. You can purchase StressFree™ Cruise Protection at the time of your booking. Learn more about StressFree™ Cruise Protection.

If you would like to add to a flight and/or hotel stay to your Hot Rate cruise, it’s easy to make additional travel arrangements on Hotwire. When booking please ensure that any additional travel arrangements are aligned with your cruise sailing. If you need assistance booking flights or hotel stays, our Customer Care agents are ready to assist you 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Please be aware that neither Hotwire nor the cruise line is responsible for any costs incurred because of any missed travel connections.

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