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Security and privacy
What browser security settings are required to use the Hotwire site?

For security purposes, we require using a browser with 128-bit encryption.

Microsoft Internet Explorer Users

To verify your browser version and encryption strength: open your browser and go to the "Tools > Internet Options" menu option. Click the "Advanced" tab, scroll down to the "Security" section and make sure the following items are checked:

Use SSL 3.0
Use TLS 1.0

When you're done, click "OK" or "Apply."

If that does not allow you to browse our site, please consider upgrading your browser. The latest versions of Microsoft Internet Explorer come with 128-bit encryption. Upgrade to the latest version of Internet Explorer:

Firefox Users

Open Firefox and go to the "Tools > Options" menu option. Click the "Advanced" icon and select the "Encryption" tab and make sure the following items are checked:

Use SSL 3.0
Use TLS 1.0

If that does not allow you to browse our site, please consider upgrading your browser. The latest versions of Firefox come with 128-bit encryption. Upgrade to the latest version of Firefox:

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