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Reservation changes/cancellations
Can I change my pick-up or drop-off time?

You can pick up your car late -- within 24 hours after your original pick-up time.

All Hotwire Hot Rate bookings are final and cannot be cancelled, refunded, changed, exchanged or transferred. You will not be reimbursed for any unused portions of your reservation. However, if an airline problem prevents you from arriving within 24 hours of your original pick-up time, you can cancel your reservation after Hotwire verifies the changes.

If you return your car more than 30 minutes late, you may be charged for extra rental days. Hotwire can only guarantee the quoted rate for the prearranged length of your reservation. The agency rate for additional days may be significantly higher than our rate.

On the other hand, if you have made a regular-rate reservation, you can cancel the reservation without penalty and create a new reservation with any car type you like. To cancel your reservation, log in to your Hotwire account, and click "My Account."

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